Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Augmented Reality

Clipagator's Environment in Augmented Reality

Vasasour's Environment in Augmented Reality

Developed Sketchup Environment

Office Environment Images

A basic overview image of office level

A view from the hallway

Another view from the hallway

The Printing Room

The Conference Room

One of the individual office blocks/unit, which is clipagators environment

A focused view of clipagators immediate dwelling in relation to the environment. Essentially a drawer in an office.

A detailed look into clipagators dwelling.

Floor Plan


Section 01

Section 02

Section 03


The Bank Of China Tower Building design.

The following models were sourced from Google Warehouse:
  • Moleskine Diary
  • Calculator
  • Paperclips
  • Bull Clips
  • Stapler and Staples
  • Ruler
  • Liquid Paper
  • Pens/Pencils
  • Stickey Tape
  • Scissors
  • Sharpener
  • Office Chairs
  • iMac
  • Pot Plant
  • Printers

All other models and designs were created from scratch by Edward Sarafian, including the bank of china tower model and office floor design and model.

Rough Sketchup Environment - Clipagator

The Tower

The office Floor

Rough Sketchup Environment - Vasasour

Environment Sketches - Clipagator

Environment Sketches - Vasasour

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Spore Creature Creations


This creature can be found within an office or study environment. It camouflages and hides itself within messy drawers with paper clips, feeding off important documents and letters when attached to them. The Clipagator uses its flexible body to latch itself around its meal and uses its claw to rip off paper and feed itself. The Clipagator is naturally a very lazy creature, feeding and sleeping in the majority of the day. Since it is not commonly surrounded by much other creature it has also become very unsociable.


Vase-o-raptor is usually grumpy and sleepy, but still manages to be very vane. It lives in people’s home and gardens camouflaging itself as a vase or plant. As it feeds off other plants it nourishes the plants and flowers growing on its body, hence fulfilling his life-goal to exterminate all floras in the world and prevail in being an extravagant and beautiful creation (That’s the vanity he possesses).


This creature can be found in marshy swamplands. He creates a labyrinth-like home underground using his large digging hands. Also his webbed feet become very handy when moving around on the wet and muddy ground, allowing him to travel quite fast. Swampasour is a very relaxed and happy creature, enjoying socialising with friends and families within his colony. This species of creatures love to eat regularly with a regular and simple diet associated to their environment. It consists of most seafood and grass and tree leaves.


Defect-o is a very lonely and depressed creature. Due to unusual and strange appearance and body structure, as a result of biological defects, he has been out casted from society. Hence Defect-o lives by himself eating very little, and mostly left-over corpses. As a result of his unhealthy eating habits, is causes his body to react by putting on lots of weight. Defect-o lives deep in the jungle, in old rock ruins and caves. He has placed sharp protruding sticks in the ground, around his dwelling, emphasising his harsh isolation from society.


This spider like creature is fit and confident, leading him through his adventurous and enjoyable life. Superachnid lives in an urban environment, mostly on rooftops of tall buildings. Its multiple grappling feet allow it to travel at tremendous speeds, and dragon wings allow it to glide relatively long distances (Although it is too heavy to be able to by flown by those wings). Nonetheless Superachnid constantly uses the city as its playground. This creature is nocturnal so with its many, sharp, night vision eyes it plays and stealthily catches its prey and feeds on them during the night. Prey includes flying animals, late working humans in office buildings and even buildings (parts of the building that is). During the day it sleeps in his intricate, created maze home, formed from commercial building supplies.